Kennewick School Board Votes For Hybrid In-Class Starting Oct.12
At Wednesday night's school board meeting, the board voted 4-1 to kick off the AA/BB hybrid in class learning, with a target date of October 12.
Basically, students split into two groups, A and B. One group will go to in school class Monday Tuesday (A) and the other (B) Thursday and Friday. Wednesdays will be reserved by staff for cleaning and sanitizing purposes.
When A or B are NOT in class, they will still have assignments via their Google programs, and will also have assignments on Wednesdays.
This would approximate the Phase 4 step laid out earlier this summer on the KSD website. No specific details of this AA BB program are yet on site yet, but you can see the Phase 4, which is pretty close to what students will be doing.
To see the KSD site, click on the button below.