Oh boy! you've heard this a million times and you have probably seen every diet and piece of exercise equipment known to man tauting that you can lose weight! Well guess what?

On October the 17th I started an amazing  journey on the Ideal Protein Diet. On my first weigh in I started at 365 lbs. YIKES! There were alot of changes that happened really quick! I am a Type 2 diabetic and I was taking 100 units of insulin a day and 1000 mg of Metformin in the morning and at night. I could not get my blood sugar any lower than 208. 

I also have a list of what they call co-morbidities including high blood pressure, sore feet, knees and back, and obstructive sleep apnea. I have battled these for years!

At one point I even tried to get gastric bypass surgery or even a lap band. Guess what insurance won't cover it. Out of pocket I was looking at a minimum of $30,000 out of my pocket to lose weight.

I saw Dr Ortolano from Arbor Health Care For Women back in September and I didn't even recognize him! I saked him what happened? Was he ok? Was he sick? He said he started Ideal Protein in June 2011 and within 3 months he had lost over 80 lbs!

I said "SIGN ME UP" I met Bonnie & Olga his assistants and we were off and running! That was October 17th, 2011. That first week I lost 16 lbs! And within 48 hours of being on the diet I had stopped using insulin!

I eat 3 meals a day including a dessert and I will stay in the First phase of this diet until I have lost 90% of my weight. My Goal is to lose 140 lbs! My goal weight is 225 lbs.


To date my weight loss is 46.2 lbs. My short term goal is to be at 300 lbs by the end of December! So follow along! And I hope that if you need to lose weight you will take the same journey I am. Here are a couple of links for you.

My facebook page so you can see my progress is HERE

To find out more about Ideal Protein thru Arbor Health Care For Women CLICK HERE!


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