Kennewick Irrigation Offices Closes Due to COVID-19
Business isn't going on as usual at the Kennewick Irrigation Offices as the office is shutting down due to COVID-19.
KID sent out e-mails to customers but don't fret, there are still several ways to pay your bill.
No one had reported contracting the coronavirus in the office but KID is taking precautions just in case.
Here is the e-mail that customers received:
Dear Valued Customers,
Regarding COVID-19 – Being extra cautious is the name of the game right now in regards to the Coronavirus. Although there haven't been any reports in our area, for your safety and the safety of our staff, we will be closing our office to the public beginning tomorrow, March 12th. If you need to make a payment, we offer the following:
*24-Hour drop box | Located right next to our main entrance
Pay over phone| Call 509.586.9111 (Credit/Debit card fees will be waived during this time)
Pay online | Visit payments.kid.org (Credit/Debit card fees will be waived during this time)
*If you're wanting to pay in cash, please know that we'll only be able to accept exact amounts through our dropbox (envelopes will be provided)If you have any questions or concerns, you can call 509.586.9111 and one of our awesome customer service representatives will be able to help you. We hope to resume normal operation as soon as possible but like you, we'll be following the situation closely through the Benton/Franklin County Health District (bfhd.wa.gov) website and the CDC (Cdc.gov)
Your irrigation water will not be affected by this change.
Thank you for your understanding in this matter,
-Kennewick Irrigation District
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