Popular Kennewick Food Truck Shuts Down for a Bit Because of COVID-19
One of Kennewick's most popular food trucks is going to be closed for the next few days because of COVID-19.
El Fat Cat Grill is one of the most popular food trucks in Kennewick and it looks like they are shutting down for a few days because of COVID-19.

The owners posted a quick message on their Facebook page this afternoon announcing the closure.
Here is what the statement said:
We are super sorry to inform everyone but we have to close for the rest of the week.
Felix woke up this morning and thought he had heat exhaustion because he doesn't have a temp or any other signs of COVID.
For the safety of everyone, we went and took a COVID test and I came back negative but Felix's came back positive so he is quarantined in his room for the rest of the week and the weekend.
We will keep everyone updated, again we are sorry and we hope everyone understands.
El Fat Cat Grill is one of Kennewick's busiest food trucks on Edison but I'm sure the Tri-Cities will rally around Felix Sanchez and wish him well as recovers from COVID-19.
Sanchez is the head chef at El Fat Cat Grill and he's the one with the magic touch!
You can check and get updates and keep in contact with El Fat Grill here.
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