Glow Golf Tournament! Space is Limited!
A glow in the dark golf tournament is happening and happening in our area! Buckskin Golf Course in West Richland is hosting a fun night of food, drinks, prizes and glow in the dark golf balls flying (FOUR!!) and all for a good reason! Rascal Rodeo, which is a non profit organization that helps individuals with special needs will benefit from your night of fun.
The tournament will be held on October 16,2020 at Buckskin Golf Course. Early sign up is available now, online at Rascalrodeo.org. Teams will be made up of two people and the cost is $130 (walking) and $150 (with cart). Early entry will be available until October 10, after that, the entry fee will increase to $150 and $180. Your entry fee will include dinner, drinks, glow balls and a chance at winning lots of prizes. Check in, dinner, drinks, prizes and warm up will all begin at 5:30 pm. The shot gun start will begin at 6:45-7:00pm.
Prizes will be awarded for first, last, long drive, KP, best decorated lighted up cart plus much more! So grab your golf buddy and make reservations today! For more information you can click the button below. Have some fun and help someone!
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