You'd think these young whipper snappers (yes, I said whipper snapper) would have second thoughts about doing illegal things. Hey kids, big brother is always watching....just DON'T!!

According to Sue Keith Whartons Facebook page:

We need your help identifying this young man who attempted to break in to our house last night in Horn Rapids neighborhood in Richland, WA. He could be heard on surveillance saying “no ones home” then say “there’s a camera” and walks away....until backyard camera picks him up trying to get in back door. Camera also caught him going all around neighbor’s cars across the street. He came in on foot so we assume he lives in neighborhood or is a friend of someone in there. Maybe a Hanford student? Richland High? It’s been reported to RPD. Need help finding out who he is.


lets share this post and force this kid to have a discussion about his life choices...police are eager to have a chat.

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