The very word 'resolution' brings a sneer from some, fear from others. Or we just plain run out of steam.
But it's really simple to keep them. The main reasons they fail are because we don't follow these easy steps. For example, if you want to 'lose weight' or get in better shape in 2019, you need to narrow it down:
specify your goal
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A lot of people say they don't "do" New Year's Resolutions. Let me take a minute to say, "YOU SHOULD!" Why? Because you're not perfect and there are a couple of things you could be doing A LOT better!
Do I dare say that I'm in better shape now than when I was in my 20s and 30s? You bet! In fact, I'm stronger and healthier than I've ever been and it's not from a New Year's resolution. Those never work for me.
The holidays are behind us and perhaps the only thing more disappointing than the awful gift from your Aunt Beatrice — seriously, a tie? — is the fact all the eating you did is starting to show in what used to be your washboard abs.
If you see more numbers when you step on the scale than you do when you look at your paycheck, it may be time to face the dreaded “d” word – diet. Before you start cho