How Did Bear Get So Skinny? It’s So Easy A Bear Could Do It!
I never will forget when Dr Ortolano walked into my studio last September. I didn't even recognize him! I thought he was a stalker or something and I was going to have to call security! Then when he said it was and was a friend I was shocked and amazed! Now people are doing that to me. I have people that I have known for years walk right by me and not recognize me.
My journey has been a simple one. Follow the protocol of Ideal Protein and develop some new eating habits. And now I can say that I have lost 112 lbs and I am keeping it off as I enter the 2nd phase of my program. Eating right for dinner and lunch! In just a couple of weeks I will be at the end of my diet journey. But in some ways I feel that it is just beginning.
I feel that I must share what I have learned and how it has affected my life and all the good the Ideal Protein program has done for me.
I can tell you that I am off of ALL of my medications. I am no longer a Type II Diabetic and do not take any blood pressure medication.
So on June 20th at 6pm join me for an informative seminar on Ideal Protein. Meet the folks from Ideal Protein, Meet Dr Ortolano who has lost a whole person and hear my story and how I have lost 112 lbs! Try the food and it's free!
Call Arbor Healthcare For Women at (509) 946-7900 and reserve your spot.
To find about more about how Ideal Protein works CLICK HERE
To follow along on Bear's Amazing Journey Facebook Page CLICK HERE!