Creepy Eel-Like Creatures To Be Released in the Yakima River!
This is no JOKE...The Yakima Nation Fisheries plan to release hundreds of Pacific Lamprey in the Yakima River this weekend!
You may never have heard of this eel-like fish before, however they have existed in the Columbia River Eco-system for thousands of years. The first time I ever heard of these creatures was on an episode of Discovery Channels 'River Monsters' show.
These per-historic fish have been in a decline for many years and play an important part in the rivers Eco-system and to area tribes.
The public is invited to watch the release of the Lamprey in the Yakima River in Prosser on Saturday April 8th, 2017 between 10a.m.and Noon
The lamprey will be released from the Wine Country Road bridge. Parking will be available at a church parking lot at 505 W. Buena Vista Road or at Les Schwab, 310 Wine Country Road.
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