2nd Dose Update Kennewick Fairgrounds Mass Vaccination Site
Second Dose information and instructions for Pfizer and Moderna Vaccines:
If you received your first doe of the Pfizer vaccine the week of January 25th through 29th, you are now eligible and encouraged get your second dose. You can make an appointment in PrepMod for the Benton Franklin Fairgrounds Mass Vaccination site in Kennewick. Do this, even if the reminder date on your COVID Vaccination Record Card is more than 21 days since your first shot.
The vaccination site will reopen this Thursday, February 18th and will be open through Saturday, February 20th for SECOND doses of the Pfizer vaccine. Appointment hours each day will be between 9am and 2pm.
The second dose of Moderna Vaccine is at the 28-day interval. Appointments for those who received a Moderna vaccine at the Fairgrounds on January 25th will be available next week. Officials expect second dose Moderna appointments will be in PrepMod by Friday, February 19th.
Per the CDC, persons shouldn’t be scheduled to get the second dose earlier than the recommended 21 days for Pfizer or 28 days for Moderna.
Be prepared before you arrive, plenty of fuel in your vehicle (in case of a long line), something to eat or drink, short sleeve shirt or arm ready. Also it's very important that participants bring their COVID Vaccination Record Card they received at their first vaccination, to their second vaccination appointment. The front of the vaccine card will show the date of the first vaccine shot and which vaccine received. For more information visit the Benton Franklin Health District website.
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