
What Was Your First Car?
What Was Your First Car?
What Was Your First Car?
We couldn't wait to get behind the wheel and it idn't really matter what it was! We got our learners permit and then our driver's license and we were driving!
Driving While Intalksicated
Driving While Intalksicated
Driving While Intalksicated
Driving while talking on your cellphone should have the same punishment as a DUI, if you fail the field variaty test, it's off too Prison, Jail, The Cooler, The Poky, The Big house, Sing Sing, The Rock, The Pit, The Hole, The Slammer, The Concrete Cubical.
A New Study Finds There’s One Occasion Where It’s Actually Safer To Drive and Talk On Your Phone
A New Study Finds There’s One Occasion Where It’s Actually Safer To Drive and Talk On Your Phone
A New Study Finds There’s One Occasion Where It’s Actually Safer To Drive and Talk On Your Phone
Unless you're willfully ignorant . . . you've heard how dangerous it is to talk on your cell phone while you're driving.  Experts say it can be even more dangerous than driving drunk. --Well, a study from the University of Kansas just found the one occasion where it's actually SAFER to drive and talk on your phone.