
Pups Dressed Like Santa!
Pups Dressed Like Santa!
Pups Dressed Like Santa!
Santa Claus rules. Unless his beard gets stuck mid-mall stunt, then his cool status gets a little iffy. But otherwise, good ol' St. Nick is really awesome. Why? For starters, he has reindeer as pets, gives out presents for a living and gets thousands of free homemade cookies on Christmas Eve. Basically, the guy's livin' the life. It's no wonder he's survived to be like, hundreds of years old! Read
My 14 Wk Old Pup!
My 14 Wk Old Pup!
My 14 Wk Old Pup!
I bought some new chew toys for my dogs today! I thought I'd post the video so you can see how big he is getting! I love him. He's sooo cute! He is very energetic and goes into the" fight and bite" mode tearing up everything around him, so I have to keep toys and bones around so he doesn't eat the couch...
Pasco Girl’s Puppy Brightened Our Gray Weekend
Pasco Girl’s Puppy Brightened Our Gray Weekend
Pasco Girl’s Puppy Brightened Our Gray Weekend
Sunshine may have been hiding for much of Saturday, but the Tri-City Herald story about a rescued pitbull mix winning dog show awards brightened our day! It was one of the top-read stories of the weekend and illustrates a beautiful truth: it's not where you come from, but what you can achieve that counts.
Patriotic Puppies!
Patriotic Puppies!
Patriotic Puppies!
We're huge fans of campaigning season, because America always comes together to create political memes, poke fun at candidates and make boring debates a little more interesting. It's country bonding at its finest! We're a little bummed though, because that season has finally come to an end.
10 Adorable Dogs Wearing Shoes
10 Adorable Dogs Wearing Shoes
10 Adorable Dogs Wearing Shoes
There are two things we know for sure about puppies: they’re unpredictably hilarious and sometimes have adorably strange antics. Remember our favorite dogs going to town on peanut butter? That’s the kind of silly stuff we love. Well canine fans of all ages, we’ve discovered dogs have yet another highly underrated quirk, and it comes in the form of shoes.
10 Dogs Dressed as ‘Star Wars’ Characters
10 Dogs Dressed as ‘Star Wars’ Characters
10 Dogs Dressed as ‘Star Wars’ Characters
We really, really love 'Star Wars.' And by "love" we mean we're borderline obsessed. The only thing that could make it better is if small dogs somehow got involved. Which is to say, it just got better. These dogs display almost as much love as we feel for the fantasy franchise.
Adorable Corgi Puppy Battles Door Stop
Adorable Corgi Puppy Battles Door Stop
Adorable Corgi Puppy Battles Door Stop
So far, we've seen corgis take a hike, get stuck climbing stairs, catch treats in slow motion and cover 'Call me Maybe.' But this video of a corgi puppy battling a door stop beats all others in terms of sheer cuteness. In fact, we're starting to wonder if corgis are just playing with our emotions.
Mojo Loves His Tennis Ball [VIDEO]
Mojo Loves His Tennis Ball [VIDEO]
Mojo Loves His Tennis Ball [VIDEO]
So we are getting ready to move into a new home in the next couple of weeks and I am finding all kinds of surprises and so is Mojo The Dog! I was cleaning out my desk and Mojo crawled under and there was a tennis ball! What a good boy! Since he found it he has not let it out of his mouth since he found it...

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