Where are They Now? (The Van Kids)
Where are the Van Kids, Kamrace and Justin two weeks into their journey??
After spending two nights in Leavenworth, camping, hiking and just being free they packed up the van and headed towards Seattle, where they spent a few nights exploring the city and the small towns surrounding Seattle. They then headed more north and crossed the border to explore Canada! There they spent a few nights eating, shopping and getting a tattoo for Kamraces 18th birthday!!
After getting back into the United States and visiting the National Rain Forest they went as far West as they could and have been on the beach ever since! I am jealously watching their fires on the sandy beach each night and longing for a vacation!! Enjoy some pictures from their travels!!
If you are new to this Blog, below is a recap of part one and part two!
**The Original Post** (Part One)
When my daughter, Kamrace was just 16 she told me when she graduated high school she was going to buy a van and live in it!! Of course I laughed to myself and imagined her being a motivational speaker down by the river!! I truly never expected her to buy a van and follow through with it!!
Well now TODAY is the day!!
Her and her boyfriend, Justin have worked feverishly to finish remodeling the van they purchased over the winter and today is the day they embark on a 3 month journey traveling the states and living out of that darn van!
They plan to visit as much of the West coast as possible this summer, while I wait at home, sick with worry and follow their journey on Instagram, Facebook and Snapchat!
You can follow Them on Instagram @kamraceclardy and @justin5gregory plus I will have updated photos of the "finished project" after I say my farewell today! I hope you enjoy their adventures and follow along!!
**First Follow Up** (Part Two)
After a bumpy start Kamrace and Justin are finally on their way and experiencing life on the road with no parental supervision! They were scheduled to leave on Thursday, July 5th but made it as far as Richland before their adventure was thrown it's first wrench! They had some issues with their break lights and had to turn back! After diagnosing and fixing the issue it had become too late to hit the road so they ended up leaving the next morning on the 6th.
Their first stop took them to Leavenworth Washington, where they spent two nights camping, fishing and hiking! Sunday they went on a 13 mile hike (mostly uphill according to Kam) to Colchuck Lake and took in the breathtaking sights! This stop proved to be successful and without incident, yay!!
They are now on the move again and onto their next location!
Stay tuned to see where the road took them and see photos from their adventure! Also, if you are unfamiliar with their story, I have included the original story below!