Wal-Mart Employees May ‘Strike on Black Friday – Will It Impact You?
Wal-Mart employees have organized into a loosely-joined union, and plan to protest around the busiest holiday time of the year.The protests will include workers in the Seattle area, and possibly around other areas in the Pacific Northwest. OUR Walmart is a workers organization founded by workers around the nation. Locations where strikes are planned include Chicago, Los Angeles, and Miami. Some estimate there could possibly be protests at upwards of 1,000 locations next week.
Walmart is one of a handful of stores who plan to open their Black Friday sales Thanksgiving Day evening, and it is believed that helped lend considerable momentum to the protests. Incidentally, Target shareholders have voiced their disapproval at that store's plans to again push their Black Friday sales earlier into Thanksgiving evening. The shareholders say it's not right to cut into what is supposed to be 'family time' on the holiday.
The United Food & Commercials Workers International Union noted on their website the Walmart employees claim their issues are with having their hours manipulated, reprisals against workers who speak out against conditions at work, alleged gender and race discrimination, and conditions of the warehouses in the distribution centers.
OUR Walmart organizers also are reportedly recommending cuts in executive pay and bonuses.
It is not known if the protests will show up in Tri-Cities, Hermiston, or other Eastern Washington or Oregon locations.
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