WA State Is No. 1 With Vacationing Space Aliens
I believe in UFOs even though I've never seen one -- and it looks like I'm not alone.
It appears UFOs like to visit Washington state more than any other state because we have the most reported sightings on record -- even beating out UFO hot bed New Mexico!
According to a new report released by the analysts at SatelliteInternet.com, WE'RE the hot bed of UFO sightings.
Washington has over 5,800 reported UFO sightings (according to the report). Montana comes in second, and that would make sense because they have one big sky to fly around in (haha!)
New Mexico comes in on the list at No. 8.
I'm thinking the reason we are getting the most UFOs is because we are the best vacation destination in the 50 states.
We've got it all, making the state very desirable for the most finicky of travelers.
You can check out the complete listing here -- and did I mention that July 2 is World UFO Day?
Let's grab some binoculars!
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