Tri-Citans Advice to Newcomers: LEAVE NOW and WELCOME!
Do you follow the Facebook group You Know You're From Tri-Cities When...? It is pretty entertaining and often informative. Recently, someone posted that they were brand new to the Tri-Cities and wanted advice for a newcomer. Naturally, as with all social media these days, there are some comments that might be meant as funny, but often come off as mean, like...IF YOU'RE FROM CALIFORNIA...LEAVE NOW.
But lots of folks had plenty of actual advice on fun things to do around here and there's actually quite a lot. One person shared the link for Tricityvibe.com which is a weekly calendar of live music in our area.
Other comments include:
**Buy a snow shovel now
**There’s a place called Maryhill Stonehenge it’s about 90 miles southwest of Kennewick but it’s a replica of the real Stonehenge in England I also think it’s a winery if ur into that
**Stay away from meth
**I hated it here and sounded like most of the whiners. Then I moved away to several different places. Finally came back and man, how wrong I was. This place is the best!
**Move away!
**MANY of my 1975 graduating class left the Tri; did very well in other states as I did. AND, chose to move back home. All glad we did. You will meet some worthy friends here
**Welcome! Columbia River for jet skiing, boating, kayaking, paddle boarding etc..and wineries.. we have some great restaurants and hiking areas.
**Welcome to the TC! Most folks enjoy our outdoor activities and our ability to enjoy them year-round with our mild climate. Hikes up Rattlesnake and Candy Mountains are popular, of course all 3 rivers and their beautiful parks and camping. Forest camping, hiking, hunting is less than an hour in most directions. We have some great little mom-and-pop restaurants and stores. Enjoy!
**Welcome! If you can get a stand-up paddle (SUP) board, do! It'll get you on the water where you'll likely make friends. And it's a great way to cool down in this heat.
**Kids that grow up here can’t wait to leave but are back before long. It is home. Boat races this weekend.
797 Summit Street, Richland
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