It wasn’t a big deal to me to see a total eclipse. Since everyone else around me was so excited about it, especially my kindergarten teacher, I faked being excited, too.
While some are rather droll about the upcoming solar eclipse Monday, it's worth noting in our region we are going to be dark, and it's the first such eclipse that will actually be seen from coast to coast in 100 years.
The 'Great American Eclipse' is coming August 21st and the pacific northwest is ground zero! Pasco will not have totality (total blackness) however Tri-Cities will see 96% totality!!! Not to shabby. Here's an event that's free for the whole family!
Transportation officials in both Oregon and Washington claim the Great American Eclipse will cause "The Biggest Traffic Event" both states have ever seen!
In case you haven't heard, a very rare solar eclipse could bring over a million tourists to Oregon, especially across a band reaching from Salem through Umatilla County including Baker and Prairie Cities. That's the main path where it will be most visible anywhere.