For the last 25 years on Fathers day weekend, the little historic town of Dayton Washington has hosted 'All Wheels Weekend' this year would have been the 26th annual All Wheels Weekend but sadly has been canceled due to you guessed it COVID-19 or as I call it 'The Rona' or 'Damn Rona' anyway
Walla Walla police, state troopers and Columbia Co. deputies responded to a report of an alleged shooting Thursday 5:30am in Dayton.
The Columbia County Sheriff's office released information around 7am that a man was in the Cameron Court Trailer Park on West Cameron Street armed with a rifle...
Walla Walla police now say a 17-year-old juvenile is reportedly responsible for the threat that caused the High School to be closed Tuesday.
Police say around 6:22am Tuesday, another student received a voice mail threat on their phone, apparently from the night before or during the overnight hours...