Pasco PD Deal With a Stinky Situation and Do It With Humor
I've got to hand it to the Pasco Police they work really hard serving and protecting our community and they really take things in stride even when it comes to a burning port o'potty...Enjoy this very well written witty blog it sure made me laugh!!
So no poop, there he was. Officer Spitzer was driving down Lewis St when he was waived down by a group of frantic citizens who directed him toward Peanuts Park. It was at that moment Officer Spitzer realized he stepped in something big... and smelly... and required him to wipe his boots off in the left over snow when it was all done. It was nothing other than a portable toilet engulfed in flames. The plastic walls melting over the boiling, sizzling sludge that lay inside; like a blue, pungent chunky stew seeping out from the devils own Instant Pot. Without hesitation, and with total consideration for his trianing officer's nice clean uniform and boots, Officer Spitzer took hold of the fire extinguisher and smote the flames. Everyone's heroes, Pasco Fire Department, responded to the scene to completely douse the smoldering pile of... uh, plastic with water and ensured there was no danger to the adjacent structure as Officer Spitzer looked on with admiration, fire extinguisher still in hand. This investigation is still ongoing but if you have any information about someone walking away from that area early Sunday morning, possibly with a very sore rear end, please let us know.