Pasco Formally Opens Renovated Farmer’s Market on Friday
Friday afternoon, March 11th, the ribbon was cut, formally dedicating and opening the 'new' Pasco Farmers Market. The event began at 1 PM.
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Pasco Farmer's Market has a very new look
After a lot of work and renovations, the new Farmer's Market is bigger and more able to handle a lot more merchants. From the City of Pasco-and the Farmer's Market:
"The upgrades include:
• New covers for the Farmer's Market area
• Replacement of the 1970s era concrete features
• Upgraded infrastructure to better support food trucks and events
• New covers for the Farmer's Market area
• Replacement of the 1970s era concrete features
• Upgraded infrastructure to better support food trucks and events
The project has been funded from various sources. The bulk of the funding is through a federal Community Block Grant loan; two Legislative appropriations from the State of Washington were also secured, and supplemental funding from the City's General Fund."
There will be food trucks there, and a DJ and entertainment throughout the day into the evening, again at the Pasco Farmer's Market on 4th, between Lewis and Columbia Streets. Several hundred people were already on hand when the ribbon cutting took place at 1PM.