Inslee Press Conference–Expanding Face Masks Beyond Just Businesses
Gov. Inslee began his press conference Thursday by praising Washintonians (as he says) praising people for masking up.
He then dove back into his agenda. He said four months ago 110 residents of the state had died from COVID, as of now, 1,500. He said in March 2,000 tested positive, now it's up to 50K. He said more than 5,000 have had to be hospitalized.
He said for those who have recovered, he claims respiratory and other conditions are present, although he did not offer any proof.
He then defended his actions such as closing businesses and society, and said they've worked as hard as they can to turn the dial forward. The re opening of in person education starts with stemming back the virus.
He announced new actions to reduce physical interactions in some of our businesses.
It will affect card rooms, gyms and fitness centers, restaurants, bars, weddings and funerals, family entertainment centers and card rooms. He claimed "we do not take these steps lightly," but we know "we do not have an option" to prevent exposing others to the virus.
- For weddings, ceremonies permitted, receptions denied.
- restaurants dining limited to members of the same household
- alcohol sales end at 10PM
- Table size reduced to five persons. For Phase 3 facilities, 50% capacity
- bars will close indoor service.
- Restaurants will close use of pool tables, darts and video games.
Inslee said they are taking these steps because indoor dining can greatly spread the virus, but we can still "enjoy" dining with our families.
For Phase 2 fitness centers, only 5 persons at a time allowed in the gym at any given time. Gyms, ice rinks, indoor tennis, and workout facilities. Can only have 25% capacity.
Prohibition on indoor family entertainment card rooms, mini golf bowling alleys. Indoor movie theater occupancy in Phase 3 more limits.
And Secretary of Wiesman, who began to speak at the 13:56 mark, directly blamed the public for the "rising" death rates of COVID "are a direct result of our collective behaviors" as he was explaining the expanded mask mandates now in effect. His portion begins at the 13:56 mark of the video.
Wiesman is expanding, coming this Saturday, the face mask covering order will now also include hallways in apartment complexes, hotels, elevators, nursing homes, not just businesses.
Inslee said as before, these are difficult decisions but doubled back to his reliance on his "science, guided by science."
To watch the press conference for yourself click on the button below.

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