IHOP Says It Will Change Its Name … Again
(KLIX) – “We got out our megaphone,” IHOP tweeted on Friday morning, “so get out your mega-ears because we’ve got a mega-message coming soon.”
Previously the restaurant chain tweeted that it will be changing its name … again. Last year as part of a marketing effort IHOP changed its name to IHOB. Instead of International House of Pancakes, it was known for a period of time as International House of Burgers.
That didn't sit well with some customers, the company said, but it caused a lot of attention on social media. Now, in a reversal of that marketing effort – or perhaps in adding to it – the company said it is once more will flip the “b” to “p.” But what the new "p" stands for this time has not yet been revealed. The company on its Twitter feed said it will do that on Monday.
“What could the P be?” it tweeted on May 27. “Find out June 3.” The next day it tweeted: “Last year, the Internet had a lot to say about IHOb. Well, we heard you. Stay tuned for June 3.” And again on Thursday, it wrote: “You’ve been chirping, we’ve been listening. Stay tuned for June 3.”
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