On Monday I admitted to never seeing the movie "TOMBSTONE," aaand admitted to watching the TV series, "Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman." According to a coworker my man card was revoked for two days!

I did some research and found a website officialmancard.com that deals with man card responsibilities and revocation privileges. First of all I didn't have the man card rules and regulations and my coworker did not have the power to revoke!

This is a tangible, hold in your hand, plastic credit-card style man card printed with your name, unique member number as well as the flag of your country.

It comes with a Certificate of Authenticity as well as two Revocation Cards, to arm you with the power to Revoke a Man Card.  Do You Have Yours?

I signed up! its official! here are few things to be aware of when owning an official card


Now gentlemen, no one should have to put up with anyone being whiney. When anyone has a girlfriend like this you should immediately have your mancard revoked foreverrrr!

just for Mancard clarifications




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