I'm a single guy looking to hook up... but not THAT kind of hook up. I'm also a Christian and believe dating means dating, not sex. I want a girlfriend, not a sexual partner -- not yet. I believe in a process called courting that's being skipped over these days. And I'm starting to meet others who agree.

A friend of mine found himself single after an unexpected divorce. He's ready to get back in the game, and I found we're experiencing the same problems.

If a first or second date go well, women expect it to end in the bedroom. If we are seeing someone frequently, it doesn't take long before they begin sexting or texting sexual invitations.

That tells me right away they're not the kind of person I'm looking for. I've been married. I've had lots of girlfriends. I'm ready for a mature relationship with someone who shares the same spiritual values.

So what did I tell my friend? Date in public. That keeps it simple. You can't be tempted to compromise your standards if you're never alone together.

And it scares me that I'M THE ONE GIVING DATING ADVICE! I'm as screwed up as everyone else, but I know my friend is trying to walk a different path than the women he's dating.

Does anyone else feel the same way?


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