Beautiful German Shepard Up For Adoption on Wet Nose Wednesday
It's another Wet Nose Wednesday and we've got an amazing German Shepard up for adoption from our friends at Pet Overpopulation Prevention.
Livy is a 4-year-old beautiful German Shepard. True to her breed, she is smart, protective, and extremely loyal to her family. Livy's new adopters will need to understand she takes time to warm up to new people and would ideally have breed knowledge/experience.
She loves her doggy housemate and even routinely goes to boarding and plays with other pups her size down to about 20lbs. She has not been around felines and her people say they are not sure she'd like to be! Livy knows lots of basic commands such as sit, stay, and leave it among others.
She walks AMAZINGLY on a leash and as long as people ignore her, she ignores them. Her favorite place to walk is to Starbucks and she has her very own "Do Not Pet" vest. Livy is not a huge fan of being crated, but does just fine left alone inside.
Due to her cautious nature, we feel Livy would do best in a home with no small children.
If you are interested in adopting Livy or another POPP dog, please complete their adoption questionnaire found at: https://www.popptricities.org/adopt/adoption-questionnaire-canine/
If you have any questions. please e-mail POPP at adoptpoppdogs@gmail.com.

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