An Open Letter to the Person Who Abandoned DJ
To the person who dropped this guy, I want to thank you!
I've never done this before. But I need to thank you for dropping off this bundle of joy near the river in Pasco. My life is complete since I've found my new best friend! His name is DJ and I cannot imagine living life without him. I know this seems extreme. But it's true.
You know how life can happen. This was a perfect storm.
This little guy came into my life at the pinnacle. Seriously. Just before my mom passed away, someone dropped off this precious Boston Terrier pup near my radio station. He was freezing in the parking lot. My partner Rik, said, "Look! It's a puppy. Go get him!" I've been talking a lot about how I want a puppy.
I immediately went out to coax this little guy into the warmth of our building.
It took some time before he would trust me. I eventually gained his trust and he followed me into the radio station. Everyone loved on the pup immediately! Such a precious boy! What to feed him? We had some beef jerky. He ate it. We asked some co-workers who have pets to bring in some food. They did. He ate with some help. Co-workers were gathering and loving on this beautiful boy.
Long story short, I posted this boy on social media. Who was missing him?
No one answered. I took him to the vet. He doesn't have a chip. He's not fixed. I've had "DJ" living in the Banner home all this time and he fits in perfectly! We love him and he loves us! DJ is thriving and will continue to do so.
If you have any words of encouragement, please feel free to offer them. I'm not quite sure what to feed this growing boy. Treats? What do you give your pets? We're taking it day by day & still getting to know each other and hope to see you out and about.
We have some work to do, when it comes to walking on a leash. He's on TikTok:
If you need to surrender a pet, you can do so at the agencies listed below:
Benton Franklin Humane Society-
1736 East 7th Avenue
Kennewick, WA 99337
Tri-Cities Animal Shelter
1312 South 18th Avenue
Pasco, WA 99301
Check out these 50 fascinating facts about dogs:
Gallery Credit: Linda Lombardi