calling in sick

Tri-Citians With the Flu are Required to Stay Home!
Tri-Citians With the Flu are Required to Stay Home!
Tri-Citians With the Flu are Required to Stay Home!
OK, not really... 5 people have died in our area because of flu complications, hospitals have seen a huge increase in ER patients, schools are getting hammered, some schools have seen a 50% increase of absences in staff. The moral of the story: Keep your PETRI DISH self at home...
Top Excuses Used To Get Out Of….Anything!
Top Excuses Used To Get Out Of….Anything!
Top Excuses Used To Get Out Of….Anything! have you ever told a little white lie to get out of work, or visting family or go somewhere without someone knowing? Yeah I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that at some point I think most of u have done it.