World News

Author Ray Bradbury Dies
Author Ray Bradbury Dies
Author Ray Bradbury Dies
Writer Ray Bradbury died Tuesday night  at the age of 91 in his Los Angeles home. Bradbury is perhaps best known for his book Fahrenheit 451, a novel depicting a dystopian future where books are outlawed. Bradbury's works ranged from comedy to drama...
Using Movie Title, Describe Your Ex
Using Movie Title, Describe Your Ex
Using Movie Title, Describe Your Ex
Greg is out on vacation this morning, but he  is still with us in spirit. Today's post is  inspired by a Greg Delange Facebook status. Earlier he posed the question, "If you could describe your ex with a movie title, what would it be?"
Biggest Boobs of the Week
Biggest Boobs of the Week
Biggest Boobs of the Week
(source facebook, edit INTERN MIKI)   According to the dictionary a “boob” is defined as: noun 1. a stupid person; fool; dunce. 2. British . a blunder; mistake. Today marks the second post in a series of posts where I name my choice for the “biggest boobs” of the week. Drum-...
Controversial Fridge Tips
Controversial Fridge Tips
Controversial Fridge Tips
Here at the station our fridge resembles that of a junior high science class. We have cultures growing in our fridge that are sophisticated enough to have broadcasts of their own. Some days when I call in sick, my boss invites one of the fridge life-forms sit in...
What Are the Worst Restaurant Names?
What Are the Worst Restaurant Names?
What Are the Worst Restaurant Names?
If you happened to listen to KORD this morning you may have heard us yapping about the worst restaurant names ever. Many listeners called in and this is the list we compiled of WORST RESTAURANT NAMES EVER!
Shocking Social Media Punishment
Shocking Social Media Punishment
Shocking Social Media Punishment
Last week ReShonda Tate Billingsley caught her 12 year old daughter postaing a naughty photo. In the photo her 12 year old  was holding a bottle of Vodka, with a caption that said "I sure wish I could drink this." As a punishment ReShonda had her daughter post a very different photo (featured left)...

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