The Northwest coastline has a history of severed feet in shoes washing up on it's shores, and now there is another. The foot is the 13th to show up since 2007 and comes from someone that died between March 2013 and last December officials think. It was found by a family walking on the beach in Vancouver and at first did not notice that there was a foot inside the shoe. The wife of the man who found it said that ""He … brought it out on to the beach, and we had a look at it for about five minutes, and we thought, it almost looks like there is an actual foot bone in it,"

There have been lots of crazy theories about where the feet are coming from. The theories range from serial killers to drug traffickers cutting peoples feet off. The real reason is much less crazy and surprising at the same time. The coroners office says that “In none of the cases was any foul play involved," and that the severed feet are from people who died naturally and their feet and hands come off over time in the water.

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