Yesterday I told you the story of a suspected drive-by shooter in the Columbia Center Mall parking lot that had eluded police for a month. But police teamwork with the U.S. Marshall's tasks force prevailed.

Today I present to you another wonderful story of the good guys winning and the bad guy going to jail. He might've gotten away if it weren't for some serious police teamwork. And that's really just the deal isn't it, they always think they can get away. But as police agencies are quick to point out, when you run you only make it worse. It's easy to upgrade a misdemeanor into a felony, that's for sure!

Yesterday a fella hit another vehicle. Hey, it happens. But he decided to flee the scene. And now it gets worse for the poor fella. Kennewick Police alerted Washington State Patrol and they were in high-speed pursuit.  But things got a little dicey and the public could have been endangered by this chase, so they called it off. But remember I told you that police don't just give up and go home. Ever. Naturally, officers swarmed the area and found that the guy had wrecked. He went right through a fence and into a dirt field around 19th and Union Street. The 47-year-old driver must have been dazed because he was just sitting in the truck and taken into custody from there. Is eluding and hit-and-run a felony? You bet it is. Very well done Washington State Patrol, Kennewick Police, and Pasco Police!

HARD TO OVERCOME THE TEAMWORK OF THREE AGENCIES: Last night a hit and run occurred in Pasco. The victim was struck by...

Posted by Kennewick Police Department on Wednesday, April 7, 2021


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