Win Tickets to Kenny Chesney or Chris Stapleton!
With everything in the world on hold right now we want you to win and plan something fun for the near future. What would be more fun than seeing Kenny Chesney or Chris Stapleton live in concert this summer? We think NOTHING!
Woody and Janis will be giving away tickets this week to see your choice of either Kenny Chesney at Century Link Field or Chris Stapleton at the Gorge Amphitheater, that's right, YOUR CHOICE!
If you don't have the KORD mobile app, go to your Google Play store or Apple iTunes and download it now (be sure to accept push notifications). Then be ready for their "secret squirrel" message to be caller 12 at 509-547-KORD(5673)and you could win.
*Hint *Hint... the secret message will be sent only during their live shows between 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m.
Look forward to some fun this summer, download the KORD mobile app and win with Woody & Janis this week!