What Is the Best Food Truck in Tri-Cities?
I love a good meal. I love food. I love food trucks. They're so convenient, and here in Tri-Cities we have some seriously top notch trucks. Back in the day, food trucks got a bad rap, but they have to adhere to the same health and safety codes as restaurants, and have made a big splash in recent years because of their low over head costs.They provide the same quality food (if not better) than brick and mortar restaurants, but can cost us a lot less! Good food for cheap? I'm all about it!!
I haven't been to all of our food trucks in TC yet (work in progress), but I've been to quite a few and they RAWK. But I need more suggestions on where to go next. So, I decided to leave it to you to choose which one in your opinion is the best? I'll be going to check out the top 5 to try their goodies. My fate is in your hands. Which food truck do you think is the best in our fine Tri-Cities? Vote below, and may the best truck win!