Vaccinations to Start Monday at Fairgrounds in Kennewick – Do Not Show Up Early!
For the now, the plan from the Benton-Franklin Health District is to begin vaccinating eligible residents on Monday starting at 1pm, January 25th at the Benton Franklin Fairgrounds in Kennewick. The BFHD released these guidelines and are asking for patience.
Please do not show up before Monday as there is no overnight parking at the fairgrounds. The gates will not be open until late Monday morning. For those hoping to get vaccinated the best plan is to show up after 1pm. They will be setting up the site over the weekend and anyone who tries to camp overnight or park in the parking lot will be asked to leave.
Please be patient, the BFHD says Monday will be a short day and they will be making adjustments as they go. They are still unsure when or if the vaccine will arrive on time and they cannot give an exact time of when the gates will open. Kennewick Police will be directing traffic on the city streets.
One things for certain, long lines – so you will need to be prepared to wait in your vehicle. To be sure you’re eligible to get the vaccine at this time, the BFHD is asking you to go to findyourphasewa.org or call 800-525-0127. You can also follow the Benton-Franklin Health District on social media. To sum it up, be patient, don’t arrive early, make sure you’re eligible, and expect long lines. For detailed information on this vaccine location go to the Benton Franklin Health District website
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