Underwater Search And Rescue Robot Needed [VIDEO]
Franklin County Coroner Dan Blasdel and Franklin County Sheriffs Deputy Terry Brown visited us in studio this morning to talk about the need for a Sarbot Underwater Search and Rescue Robot! Find out more about the Sarbot device created by SeaBotix.
The response time for rescuing people from the Rivers is amazing with this robot!
Dan Blasdel says "In a demonstration, Officers were able to locate and rescue a mannequin within five minutes. This could save lives!"
A charity motorcycle ride is planned for this weekend! Saturday June 4th. Meet at Rattlesnake Mountain Harley Davidson. Register at Rattlesnake Mountain Harley or show up at 8am to register. Cost is $25 per person and $15 per passenger. Bike Show & Shine to follow. Activities for kids, Auction & Raffles. Food & Beverages too!