Tri-Cities Prowlers are Stealing More Cars Lately
I read a local report recently that talks about how car thefts are going up in our area, particularly Pasco.
For instance, last January in Pasco they were 14 cars stolen. This January that number jumps to 47!
A lot of people warm up their cars before work and that's where most of the thefts happened. But it turns out that the usual cars that are stolen most often (like older Hondas) are not the only ones getting stolen these days. What about newer cars?
Wouldn't newer vehicles be extremely hard to steal? Apparently not because thefts are rising even for cars with those fancy key fobs.
I did a little research and found the video below that explains why and what you can do to protect yourself from these nasty car thieves.
LOOK: Here are the best lake towns to live in
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