The Real City Slickers
If you've had the hankering to see what it's like to live the cowboy way, have I got a deal for you. Rowdy, Laura Lee, Clay, and Miles Barry invite you to the 4th annual charity ride and branding. 14 miles out of Mabton, out in the middle of gods country sits the Wild R Ranch. There's a cook shack, a bunkhouse and a corral, and an outhouse straight out of the 1800's. You can't much closer to the cowboy past than this. There is plenty of open range to ride your horse, or just hang out at the campfire and enjoy the stars. Donations are recommended, with all the money going to charity. On Saturday you get breakfast, lunch and dinner, all cooked outside or in the cook shack. I really look forward to this event every year, it's for a great cause and I meet the coolest people. So many things
see and do, three days is not enough time.
Every Morning Rowdy Gets up early and gets the coffee going, and the pancakes and ham cooking
Looking For Cows Laura Lee fixing lunch
Moooooooooooo! If ya gotta go, ya gotta go here
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