Target Shooting on DNR Land OPEN Again. Pew Pew Pew!
There are few things I like better than target shooting!
If you've got a favorite place to shoot on DNR managed lands, it's about to open back up. (It was closed due to high fire danger). Naturally, it will take a few days for them to take down all the NO SHOOTING signs in different locations and open up locked gates to certain areas, but it's time to burn some ammo! On a side note, I haven't seen much in the way of 9mm ammo available lately, but .22 and .22mag are plentiful right now at Ranch and Home in Kennewick and Griggs in Pasco. There are still decent selections of handguns at those locations as well, but oddly, the Griggs/Ace Hardware on G-Way in Richland has almost no ammo and the last time I was there (couple weeks ago) there were only like 4 or 5 handguns on display.
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