One great thing about living in the Columbia Valley AKA "Wine Country Washington" is we have a ample supply of cheap wine barrels. I've always love the way wine barrels look because they're so rustic. Little did I know there are a million things you can create with a wine barrel. Here are some idea's for a weekend project featuring wine barrels.
I blinked and looked at the calender and saw September 14. Then I saw September 22nd and saw that day was the first day of fall! I can't believe our summer is gone!
That's what the calender says. Mother nature has other plans. Should be a nice warm weekend to enjoy some great outdoor fun...
Got your game plan together for the weekend? Finish up your honey-do list and then get your party on! KORD will be at Clover Island for Sawyer Brown! Catch some great music, go wine tasting, grab the family and some sleeping bags and head to the park for outdoor movies or catch a Dust Devils baseball game...
Oh man! Spring officially arrives on March 20th. But with the weather the way it is right now there is more and more to do every weekend! So don't be a couch potato! Check out what is happening this weekend around Tri-Cities!
Happy 2012 everyone! So have you put away the Christmas lights and packed the tree away, wore out your Christmas presents and spent all your loot from the gift cards you got? Well if you still have any energy left here is a rundown of what Tri-Cities has to offer this weekend!
If you are looking for something to do this weekend there is plenty of Christmas things with the biggest being the Lighted Boat Parade on the Columbia River which starts at 6p Friday and Saturday Nights! There are also some new Christmas event as well so check it all out here.
Our great friends at the Tri-Cities Visitor & Convention Bureau have delivered once again! Fall is here and there is plenty to do this weekend! From music events to football, wine tasting,'s all here! Check out what is happening this weekend!