road rage

Only You Can Stop Fast Lane Abuse
Only You Can Stop Fast Lane Abuse
Only You Can Stop Fast Lane Abuse
One of the most infuriating experiences when driving is other drivers' abuse of the fast lane. Let's take the time to spread awareness of fast lane abuse - a problem that affects countless people.
My Rant Over The Blue Bridge!! UGH!!
My Rant Over The Blue Bridge!! UGH!!
My Rant Over The Blue Bridge!! UGH!!
For the past 15 years I've had the honor of crossing the blue bridge every day. like clockwork I get a bit of road rage BECAUSE OF OTHER DRIVERS! pretty sure people don't have a clue on how to drive over the bridge. remember, it is your responsibility to drive reasonable and prudent over such a short and NARROW roadway...
Road Rage Woman Terroizes Child in Car [VIDEO]
Road Rage Woman Terroizes Child in Car [VIDEO]
Road Rage Woman Terroizes Child in Car [VIDEO]
Hear how sweet the woman taking this video is? Her exact opposite is about to stop in the middle of the road and go all crazy B**ch and scare the poor little girl in the back seat. Notice the little girl is very aware when crazy B**ch stops...