State Patrol Responded to 705 Mid Columbia Snow Crashes-in One Week!
According to information released by the Washington State Patrol, a staggering 705 crashes were reported and responded to during the week of the "Snopocalypse."
For the week between February 8th and 15th, WSP authorities say they occurred in the Southeastern Washington district. This does NOT include data from wrecks or mishaps that occurred within the city limits of Richland, Pasco, Kennewick, or other cities in our region.
The WSP says Kennewick had by far the most, with 351, Sunnyside was next with 184, Yakima 144, and 26 for Walla Walla. Unfortunately, two of them were considered deadly, one of them killing a child from Moses Lake.
WSP says the vast majority of the accidents occurred because motorists were driving too fast for icy snowy conditions.
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