Snow and Ice Blamed for 10 Tri-Cities Collisions on Thursday
We warned you that slick conditions could be a possibility on Thursday. And, guess what? They were.

Washington State Patrol reports there were 10 collisions in Tri-Cities Thursday morning due to snow and icy roads. 8 of those crashes were in Kennewick. WSP Trooper Sarah Clasen reminds motorists that:
Speed limits are intended for ideal road conditions. Slow down and give a little extra distance between yourself and others.
Conditions were not ideal this morning. The commute to Pasco from Richland on SR 240 was uneventful. It was ok. I was worried, since the temperature was hovering at 33 degrees. Anything below 32 degrees scares me, especially, when rain is involved. It was Wednesday night. Then the rain changed to snow as the temperature dropped.
I know before I turn in for the night, I make it a point to check the forecast. If snow is coming, I give myself an extra half hour. I hate it, but I do it. I love my sleep. Waking up a half-hour earlier is NOT IDEAL for me.
I was up that half hour earlier and the first thing I did, was check the forecast and looked outside. Yep. Snow was on the lawn. The streets were clear. It wasn't bad. My commute was mainly wet.
Although, we heard the reports of collisions. Encountering black ice is no joke. It's incredibly scary to spin out of control, not knowing what will happen. Please slow down.
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