Pasco Police Offering New Citizen’s Academy
Here's your chance to learn just about everything there is to being a great police officer, including SWAT tactics, defensive training, use of force and firearms. Plus you'll meet Pasco Police K9 Officers, see how they train and watch them in action! All classes are BYOD (Bring Your Own Donuts).
Here's the info from the Pasco Police Facebook page:
Be the first to join Pasco Police Department's exciting new interactive Citizen's Academy. Hurry, only 25 seats available! This seven week academy will open your eyes and put you in the shoes of our police officers through several scenario based learning classes. Classes will be held every Tuesday night from 6-9 pm in the Pasco Police Community Services Building. Learn firsthand why officers do what they do in all facets of the job, including classes about investigations, SWAT response and tactics, defensive tactics, use of force, and firearms. Several classes will include hands-on scenarios to put you face to face with what officers deal with every day. Come meet some of our K9s and see how they train and watch them in action. After graduating from the Citizen's Academy, you will be eligible to join the new P.A.S.C.O Alumni Association. Please direct questions to aparicior@pasco-wa.gov or call 509-544-3085. Register on-line or in person at the Pasco Police Department. Don't delay, seats are filling up fast.