Pasco & Kennewick Police Seeking ‘Badly-Behaved Children’
Badly behaved children often turn out to be badly behaved adults. That brings to mind an age-old question: Are kids born bad or are they just raised badly.
I think the answer is that it can be both. I know a lot of good families who have kids that just won't behave. And when I say kids, I mean young adults now. In fact, a really good example of this is when you have two brothers raised in the same family, raised the exact same way, and one brother turns out bad and the other turns out good.
Then of course you have parents that just don't care and treat their children terribly. That almost always produces a child that will be in trouble with the law his or her whole life.
So when Pasco police post on Facebook that they are seeking badly behaved children, they of course are talking about young adult criminals. You know, punks, hooligans and rapscallions. (Or the street term, little bitches. Yeah, I'm cool like dat. I ain't all about rapscallions, yo.) But it does make you wonder exactly who their parents are. At any rate, these guys have avoided the law for quite some time now, and it's time to take a second look at the situation and who they might be because maybe you can help. These bad kids need to be taken off the street and disarmed before they kill somebody.
ARE THESE YOUR BADLY-BEHAVED CHILDREN? Pasco PD and our friends at Kennewick PD are still looking to identify a pair of...
Posted by Pasco Police on Tuesday, March 9, 2021
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