National News Crews Camped Out at Hanford Site!
Well I guess the national news crews didn't get the memo....Most Hanford workers are off today due to the tunnel collapse situation!
All non essential Hanford workers had the day off including workers at the VIT plant construction site. On the other hand "Essentail" workers pulled all nighters of from what I'm hearing 12 hour shifts until the situation is fully assessed and under control.
Work Delays and Cancellations for May 10th 2017
Due to the recovery actions in the 200 East Area, Hanford site employees should adhere to the following dayshift work schedule for today:
- Non-essential employees north of the Wye Barricade are not to report to work today.
- All employees south of the Wye Barricade, including employees working in Richland – are on a regular work schedule
All Essential employees needed north of the Wye Barricade to maintain minimum safe operations are to follow their normal work schedule.
200 East Area WRPS essential personnel are to report to the 2750E facility or the ETF.
Route 4 South remains closed north of the Wye Barricade. Use alternate Route 2 North or the Rattlesnake Barricade. The Rattlesnake Barricade will remain open until 8:00 a.m.
Hanford Vit Plant jobsite work is cancelled for today
Call the Hanford Hotline at 376-9999 for updates