Letters From Kids are the Best! “Love Your Brown Eye”
Letters and cards from kids are the best! Especially when they are from you and your siblings!! My Mom and I were going through her Hope chest and came across some "Gems" of cards and letters that my brother Sam and I wrote when we were kids!
Kids are honest that's for sure and they definitely say what's on their minds! I laughed so hard when I read the birthday card Sam wrote to my dad... "COORS IS THE ONE"
Dear Mom I love your brown eye!! Hahaha and Dad, I hope you have a half-way decent birthday? What kind of card is that!? Was I that bad of a kid?
"To Mom I love you a......."
War zone?? He obviously got side-tracked from what he was doing while making his Mom a card, like with Bigfoot, aliens, an airplane being shot down (ratatatatatat!!) and a flying car? These were my Moms favorite cards and I am glad she saved them!