Know a Kid Who Needs Some Direction in Life: WELDING!
There is a shortage of welders across the country. They make good money and know a skill that can help fix tons of stuff around the house! If your kid isn't into school and appears content to work minimum wage for the next decade, push them into welding!
Honestly, I wish I could go back to school and learn welding. Even if I never did it as a job, I could make a giant T-Rex in my backyard out of old junk! Honestly, I know a lot of dads who built awesome playgrounds in their back yards with scrap pipe, sheet metal and welding skills. A guy down my block used to fix old trailers, repair expensive tool cabinets, repair bicycles and a million other things. Almost every Saturday morning I could hear him welding away in his driveway.
Watch this great interview from KNDU about how much in demand welders are right now. And if you're thinking, "But I wanted my child to become an engineer..." guess what? There are welding engineers and metallurgical engineers! And if you think your kid needs a kick in the pants that only military service can provide, think about how much money they'd make welding for the military!