Kennewick Wal-Mart Shoplifter Tries to “Fake” the System
I'm always fascinated by the lengths that a thief will go to fake out the system and try and get away with a crime. A Kennewick Wal-Mart shoplifter thought they were being clever but soon discovered you can't beat the system.
Here is what happened according to a report filed by the Kennewick Police Department:
On 03/02/21 at about 1015 PM, officers were called to a theft at Wal-Mart 2720 S Quillan St. A female, later identified as Barbara Balcita, was in Wal-Mart placing merchandise in used Wal-Mart bags she had pulled out of her purse. Balcita completed her shopping list, then walked past the point of sale and exited the store without paying for the items.
Balcita was contacted and taken to the Loss Prevention Office. Officers confirmed that Balcita had trespassed from Wal-Mart in 2019. The crime was elevated to a Burglary Second Degree due to Balcita being trespassed from the location, stealing items, and identified as having several other thefts. She also had three warrants. Balcita was booked into the Benton County Jail.
I give her points for ingenuity but thinking that your crumpled-up old Wal-Mart bags are going to fool security is a stretch.
She did her shopping, completed it, and thought that placing her groceries in used Wal-Mart bags was going to fool the Loss Prevention Officer as she exited the store but alas it didn't.
According to the report, Balcita has been arrested at Wal-Mart before for theft and now she'll also be charged with trespassing along with a new shoplifting charge after this new altercation.

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