Here is a list of the most common Code enforcement "Unwanted" List...are you in violation?

Once a complaint is received, a Code Enforcement Officer goes out and validates the complaint. If a violation exists, a Compliance Warning Letter is sent with a 45 day compliance deadline.

If the violation still exists, a formal Notice & Order is issued.  The Notice & Order carries a minimum of a $500 fine and compliance is still required. If compliance is not achieved, the case may be forwarded to the City Attorney's office for further legal action.

city of kennewick
city of kennewick
  • 1

    Unfit building

    If it looks like a fort that Danny and Bobby built...yet people are living in may wanna call CODE ENFORCEMENT!

  • 2

    Vehicle repair on residence

    If your neighbor scooter is working on building the ultimate monster truck in his driveway....but its taking 3 years...You may want to call CODE ENFORCEMENT!

  • 3

    No garbage service

    if garbage bags are stacked higher than the house....yaaaa...You may want to call CODE ENFORCEMENT!!!

  • 4

    Junk and Debrise

    If your neighbor has a yard sale and leaves it outside for 13 weeks...You may want to call CODE ENFORCEMENT!!

  • 5

    Sidewalk Obstruction

    If Julian and his band of wanna be basketball players leave the portable hoop on the may want to call CODE ENFORCEMENT!

  • 6

    Weed and Grasses

    if your weeds are more than 12"...guess what? I'm calling CODE ENFORCEMENT!

  • 7

    Unsound Fencing

    If your fence is a lil wobbly after the last wind may want to run to home depot and grab a couple of posts and quickrete...If you don't...guess what? i'm calling CODE

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