Yakima River to Crest Just Below Flood Stage This Weekend
The West Richland Police Department and other city officials are cautioning residents in the area about the Yakima River rising fast.
The river may reach inches below flood stage this weekend.
According to the National Weather Service, a minor flood stage is considered 13 feet for the Yakima, based on their monitoring station at Kiona.
This weekend either Sunday or Monday, the river is expected to reach 12 feet 7 inches.
As illustrated on the NWS map, minor flood stages are pictured in orange, moderate is red (14.5 feet), and major is purple (16 feet or higher).

The expected level is yellow, which is the take-action level, which means residents in low-lying areas should be prepared for some water.
The WRPD says these expected levels mean there could end up being some water on the West Richland Golf Course, and perhaps over the road on North 46th.
As we head into next week, the river levels will drop back well into the 'safe' white areas on the map.