Alaska Airlines Dumps Starbucks, New Portland Java Now on Flights
In what has to be a bit of a surprise, Alaska Airlines has announced they are jettisoning Starbucks coffee and replacing it with a brew from a Portland, OR-based company.
New coffee was tested on the ground and at altitude.
One of the more attention-getting details of this major move is that Alaska and the new coffee vendor, Stumptown, tested the taste of the blends on the ground, and at 30,000 feet.
According to Alaska Airlines:
"For those who don’t know, your taste buds react differently at 30,000 feet due to altitude, which can cause food and drinks to taste different from how they do on the ground. So, we flew in the experts at Stumptown to craft a custom coffee blend that ensures a well-balanced, complex flavor profile that delivers a remarkably smooth and enjoyable cup for our guests every time you fly with us."
Stumptown is a Portland, OR-based firm, that has been brewing coffee for over 20 years. According to information released by the airline, over 200 pots of coffee were brewed, and multiple on-the-ground and in-air tests were done for flavor.

Stumptown has cafes and locations in Portland, Los Angeles, New York, and even Kyoto, Japan.
Alaska says full service with Stumptown will be available this fall, and by December 1st, 2023 will be on every flight. A search of various business and news outlets did not turn up any immediate comments from Starbucks corporate.
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